Mission: We advocate for, develop, and deliver regenerative solutions that restore nature’s waterways and biodiverse systems utilizing nature’s remedies and building materials.
We keep the space as “wild” as possible for the pollinators and nature to thrive with no pesticides, leaf blowers, excessive pruning, utilizing nature’s biodiverse systems.
Pollinators fly from hundreds to thousands of miles and must have reliable food and shelter that remains undisturbed to allow all of nature’s systems to cycle and mature. Including: There are no weeds- that is again, capitalism by mega corporations to sell products. Nature provides what it needs and “weeds” are plants that appear to balance the soil microbiome. Once balance is established, the “weeds” do not return. This has been demonstrated by those who allow nature’s way. Soil health is our health-wealth.
We replace toxic chemicals: pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers as chemicals dry out the soil and disrupt (kill) the microbiome. Organic land care utilizes healthy soil microbiome so that nature can do its job as designed, which took millions of years to evolve. Organic land care saves and retains moisture AND draws down more carbon into the soil. Habitat Restoration serves as urban contribution to climate action, Tucson Million Trees Initiative, green infrastructure, and more. Organic land care is the best action for reversing weather extremes…more than wind and solar, or decreasing fossil fuels, which do not draw down carbon and creates more environmental destruction.
Thank you for your compassion, empathy and action for nature, non-humans and humans!
Robin Motzer, Chair, Habitat Restoration Committee